Jennifer Aniston on OK! Magazine Cover

In an effort to lure readers away from Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, their newborn flawless twins and their other four children, OK! magazine has launched a direct opposition by posting Jennifer Aniston on its cover along with a caption that reads, "Wedding of the Year!" No, no, no, I'm serious.

Now I don't know which team you're on, but it's my guess that there really is no competition. No one really cares about Jennifer Aniston getting married to John Mayer simply because we've heard that she's going to marry every man she's dated since Brad Pitt.

As well, we all know that OK! is completely full of crap because it would be way too convenient for Jennifer Aniston to suddenly decide that she's getting married in the very same week that the twins' pictures are displayed all over Hello! and People for the world to see.

But then again, it's quite possible that Jennifer is at home, fuming, trying to find a way to steal their thunder. Hey, I'm just saying. Anyhow, I think that after John Mayer spies this cover, he's going to bid Jennifer goobye simply because he can't hack the pressure and wants to bang at least a handful more of groupies before he settles down.

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