Your butt is what everyone sees when you walk away. It’s the thing that makes your jeans look so great. So don’t you want to make sure that your butt looks its best all the time?
The best way to attain a beautiful butt is by eating right and exercising. So while you maintain your healthy diet, I’m going to tell you what butt exercises you should perform if you want a slim, round, sexy bottom.
Butt exercises #10
Plie squats
Stand with your feet more than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward, and hold a weight with both arms between your legs. Stick your butt out behind you, inhale and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground, making sure that your knees don’t extend past your toes.
Exhale as you push through your heels to lift your body back up, squeezing your butt as you reach the top.
Sets: 3
Repetitions: 12
Butt exercises #9
Bench step ups
Stand in front of a bench or even a box that is about two feet high and, with your hands at your sides, step onto the bench with your entire foot and exhale as you press down on your heel to lift your body up slowly.
Inhale as you lower your leg back to the ground in a controlled movement. Complete your reps with one leg, then switch.
As you become more experienced and can easily find your balance, hold weights at your side while doing the exercise.
Sets: 3 (Completing both legs counts as one)
Repetitions: 12
Butt exercises #8
Cable kickbacks
Using ankle straps, hook one strap up to the bottom part of a cable machine. Stand facing the machine and, standing with your legs together, hold onto to the rail and lift your leg up into the air behind you, making sure to squeeze your butt at the top. Make sure that you do not use momentum with this exercise by creating fluid movement.
Exhale as you lower your leg slowly to the starting position.
Sets: 3 (Completing both legs counts as one)
Repetitions: 12
Butt exercises #7
Butt blasters
This machine will give you that bubble butt you’ve always wanted. Position yourself in the machine making sure that your hips are in line with your knees. Place one foot in the foot cart and slowly kick back until you reach the top. Come down slowly and repeat.
Sets: 3 (Completing both legs counts as one)
Repetitions: 12
Butt exercises #6
Glutes pushups
Lie on the ground facing up and bend your knees so that your heels are close to your butt. Slowly raise your legs into the air as high as you can go, squeezing your butt when you reach the top. Hold for a second then lower yourself back to the ground. Repeat.
As the exercise becomes easier, hold a weight over your stomach to increase the level of difficulty.
Sets: 3
Repetitions: 12
Butt exercises #5
Ball leg lifts
Lie on a Swiss ball, placing your hips and stomach on the ball. Lean forward on your hands and lift your legs into the air as high as you can, squeezing your butt when you reach the top. Slowly lower your legs until your ankles are in line with your hips. Repeat.
Set: 3
Repetitions: 20
Butt exercises #4
Walking lunges
Hold weights in your hands, stand with your legs hip-width apart and lunge forward with one leg until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Bring your back leg forward and lunge forward with it. Continue walking until you complete your set.
Sets: 4
Repetitions: 12 (Two steps counts as one rep)
Butt exercises #3
Sumo squats
Stand with your legs further than shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing outward. Hold your hands in front of you and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. As you rise up to the starting position, kick one of your legs up into the air laterally.
Kneel down again and rise up, kicking the other leg into the air. As it becomes easier, hold a weight behind your back.
Sets: 3
Repetitions: 12
Butt exercises #2
Backstep lunges
Hold weights in your hands, stand with your legs hip-width apart and take a step back that’s far back enough that your front leg can bend at a 90º angle without your knee surpassing your toes. Return to the starting position. Complete the set with one leg before moving onto the other.
Sets: 4 (Completing both legs counts as one)
Repetitions: 10
Butt exercises #1
Stiff-legged deadlifts
Bend your knees and pick up a weighted barbell, holding it in front of your thighs. With a slight bend in your knee, keep your back straight and your abs tight, and bend forward at the hips until your torso is parallel to the floor. Then, press into your heels as you lift yourself back up to the start position, squeeze your butt and make sure your shoulders are back.
Sets: 3
Repetitions: 12
Best butt exercises ever
Remember that, as an exercise becomes easier, you must find new ways to keep challenging your body. Increase the weight, perform each rep more slowly, or change the order in which you complete the exercises.
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