When we were young, we all imagined that we’d land that dream job of being a veterinarian, actor, dancer, or astronaut. Now that we’re older, chances are we’ve settled into a comfortable job that doesn’t necessarily make us feel fulfilled.
But why shouldn’t we strive to land that dream job? After all, we spend 1/3 of our lives at work, so wouldn’t it make sense to land that dream job that we actually enjoy heading to every morning?
Well, you can land that dream job if you set your mind to it. And with a little perspective, a lot of research and a boatload of dedication, you can land that dream job before you wake up one day to find that it’s too late.
Land that dream job tip #1
Write down what you want
Most people never take the time to think about their dream job. They either take the safe route or he appropriate one. But if you could be anything in this world, what would it be? What is your dream job?
Write down the things that make you happy. I’m not talking about rainbows and color red, but rather tasks that you don’t find daunting, but actually pleasurable. If you enjoy spending time with dogs, maybe you’re destined to work in an environment with animals. If you love being social, maybe public relations is your calling.
If you want to land your dream job, the first step is to figure out exactly what it is first.
Land that dream job tip #2
Shadow the job
Once you establish what it is you’d like to do for the rest of your life, you need to take the necessary steps to see what it’s really all about. After all, rocket science sounds incredibly interesting, but not everyone is cut out for it.
So if you’re ready to follow your calling, don’t be abrupt about it. Take some time off from your current job and shadow the job you’re yearning for. If you’re not currently working, sign up for an internship.
Sometimes the idea of something seems a lot more attractive than the reality of it, so before you dive in, make sure you’ve made the right choice by doing your research.
Land that dream job tip #3
Find someone in the profession
Someone who’s currently working at the job you desire can be very helpful in filling you in on information you need, and perhaps bringing up issues and drawbacks that you may not have thought about.
Find out how they started and how long it took them to end up where you want to be. You may discover that the path to landing that dream job is easier or more difficult than you imagined.
Land that dream job tip #4
Ask hard-hitting questions
Although it would be great to hear about all the wonderful arenas of your dream job, reality proves that there are drawbacks to everything we do, so you need to make sure that you find out everything about the job – from the cream to the crust.
Find out what it takes to get into the position, if there are any required courses you should take to better acquaint yourself with the profession and whether there are any other contacts that can help you reach your goal.
Land that dream job tip #5
Update your skills
Even if you have the right degree to enter into this new workplace, it’s always best to build a fantastic resume. And no, you don’t do that by fudging your qualifications – you actually have them.
Whether you volunteer as an intern or improve your education, today’s sacrifices will only make you a shoe in for your dream job.
Land that dream job tip #6
Tap into your social networks
The best way to land your dream job is by networking as much as you can. Discreetly mention your aspirations to those you think might be able to help you and start open doors in the direction you want to head.
Talk to friends, business associates, family; anyone that might be able to open doors and help you land that dream job.
Land that dream job tip #7
Go online to land that dream job
The Internet is a wonderful tool when it comes to finding the information you’re looking for. Whether you’ve already found the company you want or are planning on moving to get to it, the best way to do your research is online.
Websites, like CraigsList.org, can help you locate the job you’re looking for and in the exact city you want.
Never too late to land that dream job
If you’re willing to dedicate yourself to landing that dream job, nothing will stand in your way. That’s not to say it’s going to be an easy task; it will test your patience and be a daunting task, but once you end up exactly where you want to be, you’ll thank yourself for putting all that blood, sweat and tears into it.
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