Jessica Simpson Pregnant

I was once told that women tend to get jealous when other women close to them get pregnant and, in turn they try their damnedest to get pregnant as well. And because Ashlee Simpson is pregnant and married now, you can bet that Jessica Simpson is feeling somewhat left out and wants another husband and, this time, a baby of her own.

So although it's only speculation at this point, it wouldn't be shocking to discover that Jessica Simpson is pregnant with Tony Romo's baby as we speak and that there will be a shotgun wedding to follow.

Add to all this her failing country music career and her inability to gain any sympathy from the public regarding her failed marriage, getting dumped by John Mayer and becoming the Yoko Ono of Romo's sport, and you have yourself a desperate young woman who needs someone who will love her unconditionally... enter baby. So even though the two are not yet married, Jess is trying as hard as she can to get pregnant.

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