So here's how it went:
Syesha Mercado
Sang: One Rock'n'Roll Too Many from Starlight Express
Syesha was all kinds of sexy tonight and her performance was stellar, to say the least. She impressed the judges and viewers alike I'm certain. I did otice that she was barefoot and seemed to have unusually large feet. But I digress.
Jason Castro
Sang: Memory from Cats
Wow, was this ever a terrible performance. Jason just is not cut out for Broadway musicals, it's quite obvious. Nevertheless, he gave it the same old Jason Castro touch he does with every single song and I yawned my way through it.
Brooke White
Sang: You Must Love Me from Evita
This girl is starting to get on my last nerve. First off, she had to restart the song because she lost her lyric, then she stumbled through the song and her voice cracked throughout the song. Perhaps it was her way of giving the song her "touch" but it was definitely rough.

Sang: Think of Me from Phantom of the Opera
Before he sang, Ryan Seacrest allowed a few tweens onstage so that they could give David a hug... how freakin' sweet. Then David broke into song and although it wasn't awful, it was, in the immortal words of Simon Cowell, "forgettable." And tonight, he resembled a Monchichi.
Carly Smithson
Sang: Jesus Christ Superstar
Although Carly was wearing a hideous dress, she sang the hell out of this song and i was a phenomenal performance. The judges loved her and she had a T-shirt that said "Simon Loves Me (this week)" which was quite fitting. I wonder if she had one that said "Simon thinks I suck eggs" handy in case he blasted her.
David Cook
Sang: Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera
They obviously saved the best for last. And David did not disappoint. He didn't give the song his David twist, but he sang the crap out of this song and kept giving the camera his best "I want to take you bed" face. Hey, it worked for me.
So my predictions for the bottom 3 are:
Brooke White
Jason Castro
Carly Smithson
And Brooke White will be going home because she was awful.
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