And then there were 5.
While introducing the judges, Ryan Seacrest kissed Paula Abdul on the cheek and then kissed Simon Cowell on the head. Simon was in shock but he shouldn't be, he is, after all, the reason why Ryan is a millionaire and a mainstay Hollywood host.
So the Idols started off on American Idol 7 with an opening number entitled "All I Ask of You" and it bored me to death. Then we got a recap of what happened the evening before. Blah, blah, blah.
Ryan then sat down with Andrew Lloyd Webber to ask about the contestants, and I have to admit, this guy is seriously weird, with his hand gestures and constant rambling. Finally, Ryan asked him what he would call the song he would write for Paula and Simon and he gave two:
Time to Say Goodbye
How Can I Miss You if You Won't Go Away?
We returned from commercial to an ad the Idols did for Ford with the song "Tainted Love." It was great.
George W. Bush and his stepford wife had a message thanking everyone who donated to Idol Gives Back, especially considering his party sank every American dollar into the Iraq war.
Finally Ryan called out two contestants to go over the results:
David Cook - You are safe
David Archuleta - You are safe
Then we were forced to hear about past Idols who made it big in Broadway, in particular Tamyra Gray and Clay Aiken. Big whoop.
Leona Lewis then made an appearance and sang her big hit, "Bleeding Love," because Simon is backing her and is making sure to cover the entire US and get her name out there.
Then Ryan called out the remaining contestants:
Brooke White - You are safe (WTF?!?!?)
Syehsa Mercado - You are in the bottom 2
Jason Castro - You are safe
Carly Smithson - You are in the bottom 2
Of course, American Idol got smart about it and mde the girls sing before the final result to ensure that they could get the lyrics out.
Finally we were told who was leaving:
Carly Smithson was kicked off American Idol 7.
Stay tuned for next week, when the Top 5 have to perform Neil Diamond songs.
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