Well tonight was the American Idol 7 results show and it was a shocker... well, not really.
So to start, the gang broke into the requisite crusty song, complete with smiles and jumpy dancing.
Then Ryan Seacrest went on about how you can download all the full-length songs on iTunes and they spent a lot of time on this which had me figuring that no one was really downloading anything because you can get it all for free online somehow. So they needed to tell you that it was the "full length" song. So pay up.
The recap of last night's show took over and we heard snippets of all their singing and some judges' comments. But when I heard David Cook again tonight, I got the freakin' chills. That awesome bastard.
So now it was time to call out the contestants and go over who's in and who's in the bottom 3.
Chikezie Ezie - You are in the bottom three
Brooke White - You are safe
Carly Smithson - You are safe (she admitted she was nervous because she was wearing Spanx the night before to prove that she wasn't pregnant with David Hernandez's baby)
Already I'm so happy that we might be seeing the last of Chikezie...
Upon return, the gang showed off their latest Ford commercial. Yay.
Then, more judging...
David Archuleta - You are safe (Ryan sent him to sit down pretty fast which leaves me with the sneaking suspicion that David may be the first male on the show that Ryan is not attracted to.)
David Cook - You are safe
Syesha Mercaso - You are in the bottom three
Michael Johns - You are safe
Ryan Seacrest then took live calls including one that had a caller asking Simon Cowell how she can land Ryan's job, to which he responded "Well, you don't need a lot of talent." Priceless, I tell ya.
Then Kimberley Locke from Season 2 got another 15 minutes... she mentioned her new restaurant Croton Creek, her upcoming sophomore album, and the fact the she lost 40 pounds, although she still had Oprah arms. Then she sang a song called "Fall" and everyone waited for it to be over because it was so incredibly boring. She should stick to what she knows best... food.
Finally, the final 3 contestants were called out:
Ramiele Malubay - You are safe
Jason Castro - You are in the bottom three
Kristy Lee Cook - You are safe
Wow, I'm shocked, I thought everyone loved John Travolta. But then, Kristy did sing a song that made it mandatory to keep her in the game.
So, it all came down to the moment of truth. Quickly, Jason Castro was told he was safe. And before we knew it, Chikezie Ezie was sent packing, yo. I guess Chikezie Ezie isn't.
So Chikezie Ezie has been kicked off American Idol 7. Enjoy.
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